This is the definitive sound library for all styles of productions, providing you with inspiration for years to come. This will keep you moving along and creating your own artistic vision while the world heals and becomes one! Artists that helped make this pack include: Greg Oerlemans, Dennis Sheppard, Killsam, Jackson Frost, Diamaudix Audio, Everyman, Veela, Nick Tourbis, & Michael Misch! Built with top shelf premium quality samples, one shots, presets, and much more. Built with top shelf premium quality samples, one shots, presets, and much more. Stay Inspired Beats is made by artists, for artists. Stay Inspired Beats is made by artists, for artists.
This is the follow up to the earlier pack “Stay At Home Beats”, released earlier in 2020.
The footage comes from Instagram videos, Facebook uploads, periscopes, Instagram Live broadcasts (including ones that have since. I get the sounds for these off keeping track of all the drums in a producer's recent files, mixer channels and drum patterns on FL Studio or other DAWs. Black Octopus wants to give back to its community of creatives, musicians and artists, and have therefor put together another bundle built by its elite artists Stay Inspired Beats. This is my Turbo shows the screen/Periscope/Instagram Live kit. In other words, some of our favorite legendary producers buy.
During times of crisis, and in this case a pandemic, we all know the best way to overcome and endure is to come together and find like minded inspirations to help one another get through. Zaytoven: There are 504 drum, percussion, & instrument sounds in this kit SUPERPRODUCER certified.